layout by frisby at figmint


An MS Paint Blog
layout by frisby at figmint
layout by frisby at figmint
layout by frisby at figmint


Friday, April 22, 2011

This is Why I'm Glad that Vacation is Over

Usually, I go on a trip during April vacation, but I didn't go this year. I just mope around at home. The first few days I unwind and relax. Then, around Wednesday or Thursday, I literally turn into a zombie. I NEED something to do. I don't change from my pajamas anymore because, well, I'm at home all day! I spend hours on the internet and playing violin nonstop. My hair is a tangled mess. All I eat are hot pockets, macaroni and cheese and soup. I also forget everything I learned in school, and my mind becomes blank. I'm too lazy to stand up, so I scoot around on my butt.

Me normally:

Me During April Vacation:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Seven-ish Steps in the Song Cycle

Did you ever realize that with almost every song you hear, you get sick of it? I present to you, the song cycle! Here are the seven steps that happen to most people when they hear a song.

Step 1: Hear a new song.
This is the step where you first hear the song, whether it's on the radio or if a friend showed it to you.

Step 2: Fall in love with the song.
After listening to the song, you think: "wow this song has a catchy beat! It makes me want to throw my hands in the air and sing!" So you do. You decide that it could be your new favorite song.

Step 3: Get it stuck in you head.
You sing this song in your head 24/7, but you don't mind. You love it too much. Sometimes, you catch yourself humming out loud. The song is all you can think about. 

Step 4: Knowing all the lyrics.
Now you are so obsessed with this song and listened to it so many times, you know the lyrics by heart. Either that, or you looked them up so you can sing the song all the time. 

Step 5: Listen to the song all the time.
You've become extremely obsessed with the song. It is all you know, and all you have ever known. You crave it everyday. It is all you hear, all you taste, all you see, all you feel. You are basically a zombie. You are seen all the time with ear-buds and an iPod. The only time you speak is when you're singing. You also occasionally mumble a "MMMMMRGGHHH" when someone talks to you.

Step 6: Get sick of the song.
You have listened to the song so many times, it's gotten old. You swear if you hear it one more time, you will possibly hurt someone. Plus you throw a rampage and smash a few windows. 

Step 7: Start the cycle over again.
After enduring miserable minutes hearing the song on the radio, the DJ announces that there is a NEWER song that has been released. You find yourself winding up where you first started.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In with the New, Out with the Old

I decided to change things up a bit for Spring, and stick to the idea that Allie ( ) gave me and the whole reason I started this blog in the first place. An MS Paint blog. I tried that on my first post, but that didn't go so well. Now, I have April break and nothing to do, so I can just sit on the couch with no life at all, and focus on blogging.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Layout

Drumroll please... *drumroll* BUH DA DUMDUMDUMDUMDUM RRRRRRR BANG BANG CLANG!!!!!! DUMDUM BUH DA DUM DUM DUM! BANG!!! CRASH! BOOM! Thank you. I have a new layout!
I decided the green was a bit of a sickening color. The new layout is by Figmint. THANK YOU!!!

P.S. I tried making a new site for the blog, but it didn't work out too well. :/ Anyway, the new site is: . Yes, it's a lot more awkward than this address ( ) but you'll get used to it....(not really). It's a lot more complicated than this blog. It's prettier though :D And fancier.
I haven't abandoned this yet, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me which one is better.